
Personally regarded by Silicon Scally as his sonic heroe, Scotland’s wee djs have long been noted for deep, murky electro on the excellent Gassoline label and his work on Andrew Weatherall’s Emissions label. 2006 saw “Fear And Lothian”, his debut album on Andrea Parker’s Touchin Bass imprint, a dark and seedy trip around Scotland’s less salubrious sonic highways”

“Wee DJs serving up a steady brew of noir-electro and semi-abstract beats, that joyfully disorientates the senses like an Irn Bru binge” – Boomkat

Appear on:

Roov (Data Warfare)

Kik It (Wee DJs remix)

Scorn – Gravel Bed (wee DJs remix)

Atom Bomb (Ten Years of Combat)